Course Number: 950000
This course was designed for students who participate in the Arkansas Alternate Pathway to Graduation; this is not a credit-bearing course for students on the Core or Smart Core pathway to graduation. The course code is 950000. The course will meet the Fine Arts requirement as well as the digital course requirement for students on this pathway. This course may be utilized in whole-group or small-group instruction. Teachers may adapt the dialogue used as needed when presenting the content and determine appropriate grading strategies. To meet the needs of some students, teachers may modify the expectations of certain lessons. For example, the least complex portion of a video may be presented during a lesson.
The ADE Special Education Unit will contact teachers during the semester to gather feedback. Teachers are encouraged to document any comments or questions they have regarding the course and share those comments/questions/feedback so that improvements may be made to the material and presentation.
If you have questions regarding the course that the ADE SEU might be able to answer, contact Tabitha Riendeau at
Not Available
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Not Available
Not Available
Tier 1A