Private Schools

Are you looking for high-quality curriculum or course offerings for your private school students?

Virtual Arkansas is here to partner with you! Virtual Arkansas’s vast catalog includes over 200+ professionally designed courses that private schools can now offer to their students directly through our content + teacher service. These courses are built by Arkansas subject matter and/or industry experts and reflect Arkansas content and values. You’ll be able to preview our courses before enrolling your students. You can now enroll your students directly in Virtual Arkansas courses or partner with us to utilize our content and learning management system with your teachers.

We provide the complete curriculum, learning management system, and training. Your school can choose to use their own teacher or enroll your students directly with Virtual Arkansas. Our solutions are flexible and we’re here to provide the education solution that works best for your school and the students you serve!


Home school students can now have access to the same quality courses available to schools around the state. This service ensures your students will be taught by qualified, certified teachers. 


Virtual Arkansas doesn’t limit courses to the core areas. Home school students can take Advanced Placement, Career and Technical Education, Concurrent Credit, and Computer Science course options in these specialty areas. 


We believe an important factor for student success is the relationship between the teachers and their students. Close to 95% of students enrolled in a Virtual Arkansas course responded that they believed their teacher cared for them when surveyed at the end of the Fall 2022 semester. 


While our courses are designed with asynchronous learning in mind, we balance student self-directed learning with opportunities for your students to Zoom with their teachers on a regular schedule. 


Students will have 24-7 access to their Virtual Arkansas courses allowing them the flexibility to complete assignments during the school day or even after traditional school hours. 


Virtual Arkansas’s team of professionals can provide direct support to students and their parents! 

Are you ready to partner with Virtual Arkansas?

Are you looking for high-quality curriculum or course offerings for your private school students?

Once your school has decided to commit to expanding your district’s course offerings by partnering with Virtual Arkansas, we will work with your team on all the enrollment steps to ensure that student registrations are a breeze! Our operations team will provide step-by-step instructions for selecting courses and ensuring your students are ready to start classes on day 1! Our highly qualified, caring teachers will provide direct instructional support to your students so they are equipped for success throughout the course.

If your school is also considering using Virtual Arkansas curriculum through our Content Partnership Program, our team will develop a school-specific professional development plan to ensure that your teachers are trained in best practices for online and blended learning. After completing our training, your teachers will be able to access our courses and can begin customizing them to meet the individual needs of your students.

Regardless of the option you choose, parents and school officials will be able to observe students in their courses using the Canvas Observer Role to ensure students stay on track academically. Additionally, your school will be able to collect, analyze, and communicate with stakeholders regarding student performance using rich assessment, participation, and engagement data using Virtual Arkansas Portal data and Canvas Analytics.

To get started, simply fill out the Information Request Form below and we will contact you soon or you may email.

Transforming Education, Transforming Lives

Discover the real impact of Virtual Arkansas on the educational landscape. Our platform has become a catalyst for positive change, empowering students, supporting schools, and fostering a culture of innovation in Arkansas education. Explore the stories of success, the achievements of our students, and the transformative journey that schools have embarked on with Virtual Arkansas. Join us in celebrating the profound impact we’ve collectively made on the future of education in the Natural State.

Over 300,000 Students Empowered:

Empowering students across the state, providing them with access to high-quality education, diverse courses, and pathways to success.

99% Customer Satisfaction Rate:

Our commitment to excellence extends to our community. Our platform has a 99% customer satisfaction rate.

200+ Courses, Countless Success Stories:

With a curriculum offering over 200 courses, Virtual Arkansas has become the gateway to countless success stories.