Course Catalog
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EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY49329VEducation Technology is a project-based course that introduces students to the role of technology in the classroom. Students will explore various technologies being used as digital learning tools in multiple modes of learning including online, face-to-face, and hybrid classroom environments. This course will expose students to the skills and strategies needed to integrate technology into the classroom, develop methods of digital communication and collaboration, support practices for digital citizenship, and reflect on their own performance in a digital environment. Students are expected to gain field experience by completing classroom observations, both online and face-to-face, with a licensed Arkansas teacher and to complete an initial Google certification to become a Google Certified Educator.
ENGLISH 10411000This course emphasizes the development of the core language arts components of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Students analyze classic works of literature including plays, non-fiction, poetry, and short stories to understand the contexts in which the works were written. Class activities are designed to help students master the skills needed to meet state standards as well as to be successful in their future endeavors.
ENGLISH 11412000In English 11 students will analyze works of poetry, short stories, drama, and speech from pre-colonial period to the present, emphasizing the philosophical, historical, political, and cultural movements of those eras. Students will study literary terminology as well as conventions of fiction and nonfiction and produce MLA-formatted works using research skills gained in this course.
ENGLISH 12413000This course is broken into four units of thematic study. Each unit allows students to analyze the political, social, economic, and cultural messages of the time as well as the relevance of the literary works to the world students live in today. As they read, students consider the work’s structure, style, and themes as well as the use of elements such as figurative language, imagery, symbolism, and tone. Students will write in several forms about a variety of subjects in contexts designed to help them become increasingly aware of themselves as writers and of the techniques employed by the writers they read. Students will gain research skills, and in particular, the ability to evaluate, use, and cite primary and secondary sources. Students will cite sources using MLA Format.
ENGLISH 9410000Students study various forms of literature that deal with the universal problems of human nature. Students develop skills in reading, writing, analysis, critical thinking, communication, and organization while building understanding of vocabulary and literary terminology. The course introduces students to the requirements and expectations of essay writing and offers the opportunity to write in various text types and for a variety of purposes.
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE424020Environmental science is an integrated science course that continues to develop conceptual understanding of the interactions in Earth science, physical science, and life science systems. The standards for environmental science engage students in the core ideas, scientific and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts to support the development of knowledge that can be applied to understanding, explaining, and improving human interactions with Earth systems and resources. There are strong connections to mathematical practices of analyzing and interpreting data with creating mathematical and computational models. Students will earn 1 Core requirement/career focus credit.
EXERCISE SCIENCE49408VCourse description is pending. Prerequisites: Foundations of Health Care, Principles of Sports Medicine
EXPLORING PERSONAL AND NATIONAL IDENTITY THROUGH ART453102How is the identity of America represented in the arts? Is it a more accurate and diverse reflection than you would find in a textbook? How has the identity of America changed throughout history? All of these questions and more will be explored in this semester-long course as you learn how to discuss and interpret artworks from the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. Located in Bentonville, Arkansas, Crystal Bridges has over five centuries of American Art, from early portrayals of Native Americans to the contemporary art of today. Each of these artworks is a primary source that when studied in the context of readings from historians and primary source documents, provides a unique perspective on American history and identity. You will learn how to discuss, interpret and critique artwork in this class while also learning about the critical role museum curators play in designing and promoting exhibits. As you make connections between art, history, and identity, you will practice and apply the skill of curation to create two online exhibits: one about your individual identity and one about the American identity.
FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCE49308VFamily and Consumer Science provides students with the basic information and skills needed to function effectively in the family and the workforce, within a complex and changing society. Emphasis is on the development of competencies related to Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America, individual and family relationships, healthy lifestyle choices; housing and interior design; garment care, selection and construction; the physical, emotional, social and intellectual development of children; nutrition, meal planning, food preparation and foodservice; home management, money management. Upon completion of this course, the student should have developed skills that promote a positive influence on the quality of life. (Arkansas Family and Consumer Sciences Description).
FASHION & INTERIOR DESIGN49089VThe Fashion and Interior Design course will assist students in developing skills necessary for personal fashion and residential interior design. The student will gain knowledge and industry necessary skills needed in the fashion and interior design career fields. The skills introduced and taught are clothing care and selection, characteristics of natural and synthetic fibers, types of fabric and fabric finishes, laws and regulations related to the clothing and textile industry, use and care of basic sewing supplies and equipment, fabric selection for clothing and housing materials, clothing construction techniques, and careers related to the fashion and textile industry. Students will also gain knowledge related to the basics of home design, materials used in home design and construction, home maintenance and safety, and careers in housing and interior design. Upon completion of this course, the student should acquire textile construction skills and design skills enabling them to advance to the next level in the fashion and interior design field.
FINANCIAL PLANNING49229VStudents completing this course of study will demonstrate competence in personal financial planning. Financial Planning and Wealth Management is a year-long course designed to give students training in basic financial education. This course will give students the financial skills necessary for today’s workforce and for post-secondary education. Financial Planning and Wealth Management is an in-depth study of basic financial principles. Students will receive detailed instruction in financial terminology, money management, credit management, and financial security. Students will use Microsoft Office or Google software for some of the work completed in this course. The goal of the course is to teach students the importance of managing their money and credit in order to be financially secure when they begin earning income. Another goal of the course is to strengthen each student’s literacy, interpersonal, and communication skills. This course allows students to earn 1.0 credit for financial planning plus 0.5 credit for economics.
FIREFIGHTING: EMERGENCY SERVICES I49005VEffective response in an emergency relies on risk assessment, situational awareness, planning, and preparedness. This course will assist students with developing a foundation of practical competencies needed for emergency preparedness and crisis response.
FIREFIGHTING: EMERGENCY SERVICES II49042VThe course is to provide the foundations and hands-on training that will lead to a career in Emergency Preparedness that can lead to employment, after further instruction, to a career as an Emergency Responder or other disciplines in the Emergency Preparedness realm. Emergency Preparedness II course includes, but is not limited to, search and rescue, utility ropes and knots ropes, forcible entry, ladders, ventilation, water, hose characteristics, fire attack, disaster simulations, and the Candidate Physical Ability Test 2 (CPAT).
FIREFIGHTING: EMERGENCY SERVICES III49054VThis course applies all standards of two previous Emergency Preparedness courses and allows students to experience real-world experience through internships and job shadowing with local fire firefighters and personnel.
FIRST RESPONDER49414VIt is obvious that First Responders provide a service in an environment requiring special skills and knowledge. They also serve as liaison with other emergency services. This course provides an introduction to these concepts. Individual orientation to the specific systems and services with which the First Responder will be affiliated is necessary to achieve a full level of competency within a specific organization.
FOOD SAFETY AND NUTRITION49311VThis course focuses on the development of essential food safety practices needed to select, receive, store, prepare, and serve food, as well as the skills needed to select food that meets the nutritional needs of individuals and families. Students will learn to create and implement an environment of food safety procedures based on the latest FDA Food Code and local regulations. This course gives emphasis to the development of competencies related to nutrition, weight control, the food consumer, the effect of technology on food and nutrition, and food preparation skills. With completion of this course, students should be able to apply sound sanitation practices, to apply sound nutritional practices for positive effects on their health, and food preparation skills necessary in various aspects of the food industry.
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