Course Number: 377210
Comprehensive Science II is the second course in the Middle School Comprehensive Science Sequence. In this course, students explore: The Foundations of Science, Energy, The Earth and its features, The Earth’s internal and external structures and how they change, The Earth’s history, living things and how they change and interact, Genetics and Heredity, and The Organization of the living world. Some of these topics are introduced and serve as a foundation for Comprehensive Science Three and others are discussed in detail. Students will learn through real-world examples and virtually visit 6 different continents to see science in action all over the world. Students will participate in activities and online laboratory experiences to apply what they have learned.

Grade Level:

Terms Offered:

Discipline Area:

Length or Credit:

NCAA Approval:

Quality Matters Certified:




Pricing Tiers

School-Based Content + Teacher

Tier 7

Home-Based Off Campus Content + Teacher

Tier 8

ALE Core Content + Teacher

Tier 7

Summer School Content + Teacher

Not Available

Content Partnership 

Tier 1A