Home School

What are my options?

1 | Content + Teacher

Virtual Arkansas provides the content and the certified teacher.

2 | Content Partnership

Think of it as a supercharged online textbook that you use with your students! Virtual Arkansas provides the digital content and you, as the parent, serve as the learning coach.

Are you looking for high-quality curriculum or course offerings for your home school student? 

Virtual Arkansas is here to partner with you! Virtual Arkansas’s vast catalog includes over 160 professionally designed courses that home school students can now take directly through our content + teacher service. We also have the complete curriculum for over 40 additional courses.

How do you enroll?

You may be eligible to enroll at no cost to you or your family!

Complete the Request Info form below and a Virtual Arkansas team member will contact you to determine which enrollment path is best for you.

We provide the complete curriculum, content, assignments, learning management system (LMS), and assessments. Enroll today into one of over 160 VA courses with a certified Arkansas teacher (Content + Teacher) or serve as your student’s learning coach and use the complete VA content and curriculum for over 200 course options (Content Partnership).


Home school students can now have access to the same quality courses available to schools around the state. This service ensures your students will be taught by qualified, certified teachers.


Virtual Arkansas doesn’t limit courses to the core areas. Home school students can take Advanced Placement, Career and Technical Education, Concurrent Credit, and Computer 


We believe an important factor for student success is the relationship between the teachers and their students. Close to 95% of students enrolled in a Virtual Arkansas course responded that they believed their teacher cared for them when surveyed at the end of the Fall 2022 semester. 


While our courses are designed with asynchronous learning in mind, we balance student self-directed learning with opportunities for your students to Zoom with their teachers on a regular schedule. 


Students will have 24-7 access to their Virtual Arkansas courses allowing them the flexibility to complete assignments during the school day or even after traditional school hours. 


Virtual Arkansas’s team of professionals can provide direct support to students and their parents! 

Are you ready to partner with Virtual Arkansas?

Once you have decided to use the Virtual Arkansas Content + Teacher services or our high-quality VA content, we will work with you on the enrollment steps to ensure that student registrations are a breeze! Our operations team will provide step-by-step instructions for selecting courses and ensure your student is ready to start classes on day 1!

To get started, simply fill out the Information Request Form below and we will contact you soon.

Empowering Success:

Our Dedication to Your Academic Journey


We are unwaveringly dedicated to the success of every student we serve. Our commitment goes beyond education; it extends to fostering an environment that empowers individuals to thrive academically and personally. From comprehensive support services to innovative resources, we strive to create a student-centric experience that paves the way for success. Your journey is our priority, and we are here to provide the tools, guidance, and encouragement you need to achieve your goals and excel in every aspect of your academic endeavors.

How Can We Help?